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Reproduction in Organisms-NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1-Anand Classes

Reproduction in Organisms-NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1-Anand Classes

Reproduction in Organisms-NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1-Anand Classes

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF

To have success in Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms, students need to take some effort or steps. One of the important steps is to access the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF and need to start solving questions. Students can access the Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions through the ANAND CLASSES website from their comfort zone.

How to Download the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms? 

It is important for students to download the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms so that they can easily refer to the answers.

NCERT Solutions of Biology NCERT Chapter 1 – Reproduction in Organisms

1. Why is reproduction essential for organisms?


Reproduction is essential for the continuity of species on earth. If the organisms do not reproduce, life will cease to exist.

2. Which mode of reproduction is better: asexual or sexual? Why?


Sexual reproduction is better than asexual reproduction because it produces offspring that are genetically unique from the parents. It also means that the offspring will be more resilient and be able to survive better than either parent due to genetic variation.

3. Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred to as a clone?


The offspring formed by asexual reproduction is referred to as clones because it involves only a single parent. Furthermore, there is no recombination of genes, and the offspring produced is genetically identical.

4. Offsprings formed due to sexual reproduction have better chances of survival. Why? Is this statement always true?


Sexual reproduction is said to occur when two gametes fuse. This leads to the production of offspring that are genetic variants of the parents and, therefore, are able to survive better.

However, the organisms produced by sexual reproduction do not always survive more than those produced by asexual reproduction. Sometimes, the organisms produced by asexual reproduction survive better than those produced by sexual reproduction. Also, it is a fairly quick process and consumes less energy and time.

5. How does the progeny formed from asexual reproduction differ from those formed by sexual reproduction?


The progeny formed by asexual reproduction involves a single parent and is genetically identical to the parent, whereas the progeny formed by sexual reproduction is formed when male and female gametes fuse together and are genetically unique.

6. Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction. Why is vegetative reproduction also considered a type of asexual reproduction?


Differences between sexual and asexual reproduction are mentioned below.

Sexual ReproductionAsexual Reproduction
It takes place through the fusion of male and female gametes.In this, the organism arises from a single organism.
The offsprings produced are not identical to the parents.The offsprings produced are identical to the parents and are known as clones.
It is found in higher invertebrates and all vertebrates.It is found in lower organisms.
It is a slow process.It is faster compared to sexual reproduction.
For e.g., Humans and nearly most other higher lifeforms exhibit sexual reproduction. Conjugation can also be considered the bacterial equivalent of sexual reproduction.For e.g., Budding and fragmentation. Even cloning is considered a form of asexual reproduction.

Vegetative reproduction is considered to be a form of asexual reproduction, as it does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes. In this, a new plant grows from the fragment of the genetically identical parent plant.

7. What is vegetative propagation? Give two suitable examples.


Vegetative propagation is a common form of asexual reproduction observed in plants. In this, a fragment of a plant is used to grow another plant. Many plants reproduce naturally as well as artificially by vegetative propagation, and the offspring produced is genetically identical.

For e.g., Ginger and garlic.

8. Define:

  1. Juvenile phase
  2. Reproductive phase
  3. Senescent phase


  1. Juvenile phase: It is defined as the period of growth between an organism’s birth and reproductive maturity.
  2. Reproductive phase: It is the phase in which an organism can reproduce sexually. In males, it lasts until death, but in females, it lasts until the age of 50.
  3. Senescent phase: It is the period of ageing in an organism.

9. Higher organisms have resorted to sexual reproduction in spite of their complexity. Why?


Higher organisms undergo sexual reproduction despite its complex nature because the organisms are produced by the fusion of two different gametes and therefore show genetic variations. Due to these variations, they are well adapted to different environmental factors and hence usually have higher rates of survival.

10. Explain why meiosis and gametogenesis are always interlinked.


Meiosis is the process that occurs during gametogenesis. Gametogenesis refers to the process of how gametes are formed. Meiosis is necessary for the formation of gametes. Hence, both processes are said to be interlinked.

11. Identify each part in a flowering plant and write whether it is haploid (n) or diploid (2n).

  1. Ovary
  2. Anther
  3. Egg
  4. Pollen
  5. Male gamete
  6. Zygote


  1. Ovary – Diploid (2n)
  2. Anther – Diploid (2n)
  3. Egg – Haploid (n)
  4. Pollen – Haploid (n)
  5. Male gamete – Haploid (n)
  6. Zygote – Diploid (2n)

12. Define external fertilisation. Mention its disadvantages.


External fertilisation is a mode of reproduction characterised by the fertilisation of male and female gametes outside the body of the organisms. External fertilisation is observed in amphibians such as frogs and toads. However, there are a few drawbacks of external fertilisation.

  • The chances of survival of the gametes are very less.
  • Not all gametes are fertilised.
  • The gametes might desiccate.
  • The predators usually eat the eggs.

13. Differentiate between a zoospore and a zygote.


The important differences between a zoospore and a zygote are mentioned below.

These are formed inside the zoosporangium.These are formed by the fusion of male and female gametes.
Result of asexual reproduction.Result of sexual reproduction.
Flagellated and motile spore.Non-motile.
Can be haploid or diploid.Diploid.
Participates in dispersal.Does not participate in dispersal.
It is found in algae, fungi and protozoans.Found in higher organisms.

14. Differentiate between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.


Following are the crucial differences between gametogenesis and embryogenesis:

It is the process of the formation of male and female gametes.It is the process of formation and development of an embryo.
Both meiosis and mitosis occur during the process.Just mitosis occurs during the process.
Oogenesis and spermatogenesis are the two processes of gametogenesis.Embryogenesis leads to organogenesis.
Occurs before fertilisation.Occurs after fertilisation.
In animals, it occurs inside the ovaries and testis of animals, and antheridia and archegonia in plants.It occurs inside the female reproductive system of animals and in female gametophytes of plants.
Formation of haploid gametes.Formation of diploid cells of the embryo.

15. Describe the post-fertilisation changes in a flower.


The post-fertilisation changes include

  1. The sepals, petals and stamens fall off, while the pistil remains attached to the flower.
  2. The zygote develops into an embryo.
  3. The ovule forms the seed.
  4. The ovary develops into the fruit.

16. What is a bisexual flower? Collect five bisexual flowers from your neighbourhood and write their scientific names.


The flowers that contain both female and male reproductive structures are considered bisexual flowers. The androecium is the male reproductive structure, while the female reproductive structure is the gynoecium.

Examples of bisexual flowers are

  1. Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato)
  2. Tulipa (Tulip)
  3. Helianthus (Sunflower)
  4. Brassica (Mustard)
  5. Narcissus (Daffodil)

17. Examine a few flowers of any cucurbit plant and try to identify the staminate and pistillate flowers. Do you know any other plant that bears unisexual flowers?


Flowers that bear stamens are called staminate flowers, while flowers that bear pistils are known as pistillate flowers. Cucurbit plants bear unisexual flowers, i.e., both the male and female reproductive structures are on the same plant.

The staminate flowers of cucurbit have petals that are coloured bright yellow. It also has stamens which function as the male reproductive structures of a flower. The female reproductive structures of a flower are the pistils, which are present on the pistillate flowers.

Papaya is another plant that bears unisexual flowers.

18. Why are offsprings of oviparous animals at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous animals?


Oviparous animals are the animals that lay eggs which mature outside the mother. These eggs are at a greater risk of being destroyed by predators or environmental factors. In the case of viviparous organisms, however, the eggs develop inside the female, and therefore, the fetus is shielded from predators and environmental threats, as opposed to the fetus of oviparous animals.

Everything Students Need to Know About NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF are considered to be important study material for students as it provides answers to all the textbook questions; here is that students need to know:

  • Keywords or Formulas are Presented: Formulas provide a way to present the substance using the symbol of elements; these keywords or formulas are given in the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms.
  • Explained in Step Wise Manner: The answers in the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms revision are explained in a stepwise manner so that students can understand each point and step.
  • Provided in a Eye Catching Format: The eye catching format contains colours in a presentable format which can attract many; the same format is followed in the Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions of Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions.
  • Tables are Included: Inside the Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions, tables are included for Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms so that students can have organised information about the important themes.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 – Reproduction in Organisms are prepared by the subject experts and contain detailed answers for reference. All the questions given in the exercises from the textbook are answered here. Students can refer to these answers to prepare for the examinations. The solutions provided in the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 are beneficial in enhancing conceptual knowledge.

Solutions provided are solved skillfully with the use of student-friendly terminologies, simultaneously aligning with the standards that are to be followed for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 12. Practising these solutions can prove to be extremely beneficial not only for the examination but can also for helping Class 12 students to perform well in the upcoming competitive examinations.

Extra attention has been paid to the answering methodologies so as to answer to the point while not digressing from the expected answer. Time plays a crucial role in the examination; hence, effective management of time while answering is the key to scoring maximum marks. These points are thoroughly considered while crafting the Solutions.

How Can NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms Help Students?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms can help students in various ways; those ways are discussed below:

  • Helps to Enhance the Learning Skills: Learning skills means the term that describes the tasks involved in the learning process; students can enhance their learning skills with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms revision. 
  • Offers Ample Questions to Practise: Students can only excel in the Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms only if they practise questions. Students can practise vast questions with the help of the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms theory.
  • Offers In Depth Knowledge: The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF offers in depth knowledge about the concepts and topics so that students can build a strong and firm foundation.
  • Helps in Progress: Progress generally considered to be movement or improvement towards achieving something; students can judge their progress in Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions with the help of Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions.
  • Are Free of Cost: The Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions are free of cost; accordingly students can access the Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions without paying a single penny.

How to Manage Time While Solving Questions from NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF? 

Managing of time is considered to be a process in which organising and planning to divide time efficiently; there are tips to manage time while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF:

  • Create a Plan: A study plan is defined as a time management plan that helps students in achieving their learning goals; in the same manner they need to make a study plan in order to manage time while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms.
  • Start from the Easier Ones: Students need to start solving the easy questions for the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms revision so that they don’t waste much time on difficult questions and can manage time.
  • Set a Timer: It is advisable for students to set a timer to solve each question from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms theory so that they can have enough time for each question.
  • Try to Avoid Distractions: Distractions are considered to be those activities which can take the attention of students; to manage time while solving Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the NCERT Solutions, students need to avoid the distractions.
  • Use Shortcuts and Tricks: Some Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions of the Class 12 Biology from the NCERT Solutions can be solved through shortcuts and tricks which can save a lot of time.
  • Take Breaks: To manage time while solving Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the NCERT Solutions, students can take breaks at equal intervals which can save much time in doing unnecessary activities.

What are the Challenges Faced While Solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF? 

Challenges are generally defined as something new or difficult that forces students to make efforts; students may face challenges while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms PDF:

  • Understanding of Concepts: Students may face challenges in solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms if they are not able to understand the concepts properly.
  • Memorising Formulas or Keywords: They are formulas or keywords that students need to memorise, otherwise they may face challenges while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms revision.
  • Management of Time: Solving questions of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms theory within the given time frame is a big task for students; if they are not able to do then it may lead to challenges.
  • Confusing Questions: The Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions may contain confusing questions of Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms due to difficult words; this may lead to a big challenge for students to understand what is being asked.
  • Fear of Failure: The fear of failure among students can lead to the challenge while solving Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the NCERT Solutions.
  • Lack of Clarity: Lack of clarity in the Class 12 Biology concepts can lead to big challenges in solving Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the NCERT Solutions.

How to Analyse the Mistakes After Solving Questions from NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms? 

After solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms, it is necessary for students to analyse the mistakes so that they can assess their progress; steps to analyse are discussed below:

  • Identify the Patterns of Mistakes: Patterns of mistakes are considered to be those errors which are done by most students; in that case, they need to identify the pattern of mistakes while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms revision.
  • Keep a Record of Mistakes: In order to analyse the mistakes while solving questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms theory, they need to keep a proper record so that they can judge the progress.
  • Review the Correct Questions: Students need to go through the correct Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions and answers in the Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions so that they can get an idea about the pattern of correct answers; through this students can easily analyse the mistakes.
  • Seek Help: By seeking help from the concerned teachers, students can analyse the mistakes after solving Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the NCERT Solutions; by seeking help students can solve all their doubts.
  • Stay Motivated: In the process of analysing the mistakes after solving Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions, students need to stay motivated and focused.
  • Use Different Approaches: To analyse the mistakes of Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms questions from the Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions, one needs to try on different approaches or strategies; through this students can get an idea of wrong approaches.
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